Calistoga Demonstration Garden

In April, 2015 the City of Calistoga began working with the UC Master Gardeners of Napa County to create a water-wise demonstration garden for local residents and visitors alike. With the goal of demonstrating the variety of plant options and landscape designs available to residents considering the 'Cash for Grass' program, the City partnered with the following organizations to create this landmark garden:
UC Master Gardeners of Napa County
DEXTER estate landscapes
Pacific Tree Care
Noble Gardens
Calistoga Garden Club
SBI Materials and Landscape Supplies
Central Valley Builders Supply

Home Conservation Tips

Nearly half of Calistoga’s treated drinking water is used outdoors, much of it wasted in over-watering lawns and gardens. Selecting appropriate plants, mulching, and frequently adjusting irrigation to match the weather are just a few of the actions you can take to save water in your landscape.  The popular CD, Water-Wise Gardening in the Napa Valley is now a free on-line resource and you can review how to garden in a drought for more ideas. Here are some quick tips:

  • Water your lawn in 2 short cycles. Watering to a depth of 4 – 6” will encourage deeper healthier roots and allow the plants to go without water for longer periods of time.
  • Explore Save Our Water's Sprinklers 101.
  • Make sure soil is healthy by amending with organic matter such as compost. This helps plants retain moisture and resist evaporation.  Compacted soil should be aerated occasionally.
  • Mulch; a layer of mulch over the soil around plants will reduce evaporation and inhibit the growth of weeds.
  • Provide regular maintenance: repair leaks in hoses, drip lines, and sprinkler heads. Control weeds and minimize the use of fertilizer; hire a Qualified Water Efficient Landscaper (QWEL)!

A typical hot tub/spa holds 400 gallons of water that can last for four months. If you have a hot tub, consider using it rather than a long shower or bath to relieve muscle and arthritis pain. When replacing water, re-use it for you lawn or landscape. Spa chemicals normally breakdown after 48 hours making the water safe for plants. The following is a list of tips to help you conserve water while enjoying your pool/spa.

  • Install a cover to reduce water evaporation by as much as 90%.
  • Shut off waterfalls, fountains, and other water features to reduce water loss and evaporation.
  • Check your system for leaks.
  • Minimize splashing or lower your pools water level to reduce 'splashout'.
  • Plug the overflow line when the pool is in use.
  • If your pool is heated, reduce the water temperature to reduce evaporation.
  • Maintain the chemicals in your spa to extend water life.